Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Platanos Trikala
In Platanos, in region “Ovriasa”, a group of French researchers, after their wanderings to the region under difficult conditions, since the area is full of ilexes and fields with olive trees, report that the place was inhabited from the Hellenistic period and note that during the early Byzantine period there was significant presence there. This conclusion is confirmed by the revelation of two parallel basilicas beneath the castle in the area. These are two basilicas of approximately the same dimensions, with semicircular apse on the eastern side and a narthex to the west. As far as the first basilica is concerned, a three lobed arched opening (“trivilon”), that comprises the main entrance to the church from the inner narthex, and saving parts from the “sinthronon” inside the sanctuary are basically found in churches of the early Christian period, while occasional ceramic slates, that covered once the floor, were revealed, but the plaster inside the walls indicates the underlying layer of fresco or mosaic.

The seven tombs, that were revealed, a construction in simple form and parts of large jars found inside the northern aisle and probably used as a storage pot, indicate the later function of the place. To the north of it and at a distance of approximately two meters a second basilica has come to light, that is preserved in better condition. Inside the second basilica, the foundation of the “presviterion” has survived in all its length. Also, two small piers (or pillars) coming from the stone doorframe of the templon and the foundation of an ambo. The ceramic slates on the floor have carved ornamentation (or decoration) with birds, crosses and figures, that probably constitute the stamp (or seal) of the potter. Inside the sanctuary the stone altar and part of its stone base still exist.


20/06/1991 -

Related services:


Kristalia Mantzana
Archaeologist - Director of the 19th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities
Telephone: +30 24310 76647
Fax: +30 24310 76648
E-mail: 19eba@culture.gr

