Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Research Programme 'South Euboean'
During the research programme 'South Euboean' that is organized by the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, in cooperation with the Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology, about twenty five in total wrecks dated from the Classical to the Late Byzantine Era have been detected. In the last years the research has been focused on Makronisos and on Thorikos (Lavreotiki), where six out of the twenty five wrecks have been indicated.
Amongst them, the wreck of Late Hellinistic period at the island Styra in the South Euboean is important. The wreck, fully loaded with trade amphorae that are dated in the end of 2nd or beginning of 1st cent. B.C., was assessed as partcularly interesting, so much due to the cargo as due to the high potential of finding the wooden remains of the vessel.
The survey of the visible finds of the wreck was completed by means of photogrammetry, photomosaics of high resolution were prepared and two preliminary trenches in the deep and shallow zone of the wreck were excavated, in order to comprehend the stratification of artifacts and sedimentary depositions.
From the area of the shipwreck characteristic amphorae of Brindisi type, vessels for eating and drinking, stone bowl (wash-basin), bronze and iron nails, parts of the vessel's componenents and parts of tiles that probably come from a roofed superstructure on the stern were brought aboard. Of partcular significance are considered the small parts of life -sized bronze statues and the two legs of a couch that were collected among the amphora cargo. Their presence indicates that apart from the pottery load in the ship, luxury items ,possibly also complete or fragmented sculptures, were transferred as well. Finally, remains of the wooden hull (frame and planking) in good condition were uncovered in the depositions of sand.
In the research participated in total 36 diving researchers, of seven different specialities (archaeologists, architects, topographers, conservators, photographers, professional divers, physicists).
The research was funded, except for the appropriations of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, by subsidies of the Bodossaki Institute, by Mr. Ioannis Baklis and by the company of diving equipment Apnea.

Funding: Ministry of Culture and Sports, Bodossaki Institute,
Mr. Ioannis Baklis, Company of diving equipment APNEA


01/01/2006 -

Related services:


Georghios Koutsouflakis
Maritime Archaeologist
Telephone: +30 210 92 35 105
Fax: +30 210 92 35 707
E-mail: eena@culture.gr


  • Georghios Koutsouflakis, Xanthi Argyri, Chrysanthi Papadopoulou, Giannis Sapountzis, Underwater exploratory research in the South Euboean (2006-2008) ΕΝΑΛΙΑ,, 2006, Τομ. 11 - 2012 σελ. 40-69
  • Koutsouflakis G. and D. Kourkoumelis, Wreck of the late archaic period in the South Euboean,, 2006, ΑΑΑ 39, σελ 83-104
  • Koutsouflakis G. and X. Argyri, Ancient Wrecks and ship cargos in the sea room of the South Euboean in: The archaeological work in Thessaly and Central Greece, Proceedings 3rd AWTCG (Volos 12-15/3/2009), Volos), Volos, 2009
  • , Cyclades, 2013

