Παράλειψη εντολών κορδέλας
Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

The 12th century A.D shipwreck of the Rhodes' commercial port
The shipwreck is located approximately 70 m west of the northern side of the 'Mole of Angels' and lies at a depth of 13 m. The shipwreck was covered by sandy depositions, created by the boat traffic of the modern port. Therefore, parts of the wooden hull buried in the sand were preserved in rather good condition. Based on the measurements taken during the research can be assumed that the ship was of great dimensions, while being constructed in a sophisticated manner.
A characteristic pottery shard (a spindle-shaped amphora with high handles) found at the surface layer and some fragments of green glazed cups found in a trial trench have been dated to the second half of the 12th century A.D while the examination of a sample of a wooden frame by the 'Democritus' Laboratory of Archaeometry dates the wooden part between 1020 and 1155 A.D.

A great part of the cargo has been revealed during the preliminary excavation period (29.10.2013-30.10.2013) containing amphorae dated to 12th and 13th century A.D. Furthermore, parts of the medieval hull were also found, showing details of the shipbuilding. Particularly, parts of the shell of the vessel (e.g frames, shell planks, ceiling), of the flooring ( e.g keel, keelson, bilge-keel) and of the lower deck have been revealed and recorded.
The preliminary excavation of 2013, covering an area of approximately 60 m², represents only 1/6 of the total research site.
The wooden parts of the ship's hull have been covered with geotextiles at the end of the research season. Finally, the site has been back-filled for the protection of the antiquities until the next research period.

Funding: Ministry of Culture & Sports, Program Thales


01/01/2008 -

Related services:


Georghios Koutsouflakis
Maritime Archaeologist
Telephone: +30 210 92 35 105
Fax: +30 210 92 35 707
E-mail: eena@culture.gr


  • , Rhodos, 2013

